Aloha Friends,

Today’s seva story #68 of 100 is from Jeri who lives in San Francisco. I am collecting 100 seva stories for inspiration, ideas and to spread positive news. seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and environment.

Jeri writes,

Sequoia Awards

“In our home town of Redwood City, California, we have an organization called The Sequoia Awards which I’ve been on the board of since 2004 (the organization was “born” 1991) and our mission is to recognize those in our community who give of themselves through various volunteer opportunities in very outstanding ways. Our focus is recognizing graduating high school seniors for their exemplary service work and we honor them at our annual dinner each year. Although most of our award winners also exceed in academics and extracurricular activities/sports, our scholarships are based solely on their giving back to the community both near and far and contribute hundreds and hundreds (sometimes thousands) of hours of volunteerism. Some stay local helping our immediate community and some travel to other countries and volunteer in building, health services and education.  In 1992, we gave one $500 scholarship to a single student but each year, it grows and his past March, we awarded 25 students with $200,000 in scholarships Each ranging from $5,000 to $25,000) and in total, we have awarded almost $2,000,000! Just this morning, we received an email from our top award winner this year who said, “As I was talking to [my] fellow recipients, Sequoia Awards is really really really helping us reach our college dreams.”

Please share your seva story with me so we can spread the seva! Aloha and Namaste,  Johanna Waters