    I’d like to share more of my yoga practice which is not just physical. Our lifestyle is our yoga practice. I am striving to have a zero waste home. Above is my armor I now take with me in my car. My car is a hybrid but I hope to someday not have a car which would significantly reduce my carbon footprint. For now, since I do outcall massage as one of my jobs, I need my car. I found myself stopping at health food shops for a beverage and snack and then having the containers to contend with. So to avoid that unnecessary waste, I keep these items in my car so I don’t have to use plastic. A fabulous thermas by S’well that keeps drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12, a bamboo and or glass straw (check out this link about straw waste, a bandana for a napkin, a spork and small cooler bag.
          This is all very simple but it does help to have reminders so we don’t catch ourselves using throw away containers on a daily basis. The exponential impact of throw aways even from just one person is too much waste.
           Another way I have been reducing waste is getting rid of junk mail. I only order on line if I absolutely can not find a supply where I live since ordering online can cause your information to be shared, even if you asked not to be on a mailing list.  I also call catalogs and other mailings and ask them to take me off their mailing lists. Which does take time but it’s worth it and is easy to make these calls from speaker phone while you are completely tasks at home. Another way is to go to this website and opt out of junk mail. There is a 5 year way or you can send in a mailing and opt out permanently. Feel free to share your zero waste home ideas. Aloha, Johanna