Aloha Friends, This week’s Seva Share comes from Maddy in Maryland. Seva is selfless service that benefits the community and provides the volunteer a payment that is far more valuable than money. I’m sharing these stories so that we can get ideas from each other or just simply share. Maddy Writes: 

“I will use an example from one of the two community service things I did for outward bound. When 

there was the massive flooding in moorhead minnesota, we decided as a group to go and help, it 

was very spur of the moment. we worked in people’s backyards, at intersections, mostly piling 

sandbags with other community members to try to block rising water from reaching houses. it 

was crazy to be working so closely with the people being affected, everyone had come together to 

help each other, and many families invited people into their homes to share their food at night when 

there was work to be done late. I felt like I was a part of something important and community 

oriented, even though I was from a completely different state entirely.”

Please send me your story, to:

Aloha, Namaste, Metta, Johanna