Aloha Friends,
        Today’s Seva story #30 of 100 is from Kathy who lives in Washington state.  Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment. I am sharing these stories so we can get ideas, inspiration and to spread positive news.
         Kathy writes: “I had this idea from staying in the condo unit that we own every year – as people leave they are always giving away the food that they have left over. There are a ton of condo places around Kihei and I figured that the same thing must be happening all over around here.  And then I started seeing the Maui Food Bank trucks and the idea took hold.  Why not have a food bank bin in the offices of these condo units so the people that are leaving have a place to drop off their unused food?  So I walked around the area and got the Manager’s names of some of the places and at this time 4 of them have agreed to put a food bin in for their guests.  I called the Director of the food bank and told him what I was doing and connected them all to him by email.  Some of the bins are in already and more are to be placed.  Right now Hale Pau Hana, Kamaole Nalu and Royal Mauian have them and Kihei Kai Nani is next.  I was excited about the idea cause I thought it was a perfect fit and when I talked to the Managers they thought so too.  Not sure why no one else yet has thought of it!  So hopefully I have created another outlet for the Food Bank and helped people do some good as they are leaving Maui.  You might even mention it at your yoga classes as most of the people there are staying in one of the places around here.  Also we are hoping that when they come back next year they will specifically buy something for the bin when they do their first shop.  Made  me feel good to contribute and hopefully help some of the Maui families in need.”
              This is a great example that Seva work ideas can comes to you at anytime. You don’t have to have a regular schedule to practice your Seva work, it can be practiced when you are ready. I love this Seva work that Kathy is doing because it will have a cumulative effect. Please share your Seva story with me so we can spread the Seva! Aloha, Mahalo, Namaste,   Johanna Waters  E: