Vegan Recipes
Massage and Yoga are great ways to care for yourself. When we are out of pain it is easier to care for others. One dire "other" to take care of is the environment. An easy way to care for the environment is to eat less meat and dairy. The meat…
Maui Yoga and Massage tshirts
My new tshirts have arrived , they're super soft. Here's a selfie. I have a few for sale in women's sizes, if you're interested in one let me know. Johanna 808-214-0129Aloha
Tax the Sun?? You owe me?
Tax the Sun?? The above link definitely relates to the Hafiz poem I've recently been reading in my yoga class. "Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth
You owe me
Look what happens to a love like that.
Look what happens to