Ten Year Oceanfront Yoga Anniversary
Aloha Friends,
In celebration of my ten year anniversary of teaching Oceanfront Yoga at The Kamaole Nalu, I am offering a few specials for the month of March! 1. Buy a 10 class punch card and receive a free handmade…
Seva Stories
$5 Seva story coupons:
Until I reach 100 stories
Share your Seva (selfless service) story with me and receive a $5 coupon off yoga or massage. I am collecting 100 Seva stories to share inspiration, ideas and positive news. Share any…
Reiki Healing
Aloha Friends, I recently completed my second degree Reiki training of the Usui system of Reiki Healing. I decided to continue my Reiki training as a form of continuing education and to enhance my volunteer work at Hospice Maui. Some of…