Book a Maui Mobile Massage
Book a Maui Mobile Massage today to enjoy massage therapy in the comfort of your own space. I offer a free phone consultation to help determine if I am the right massage therapist for you and to hear your concerns and goals of massage…

Oceanfront Yoga Update
www.johannawaters.com 808-214-0129 Aloha Friends,
It's been awhile since my last update so here's what's new: I will be holding class this Easter Sunday, April 1st. I am excited to be going back to my yoga school, Kripalu center for…

Seva Story #72 of 100
Today’s seva story comes from me, Johanna and I live in Makawao, Maui. Seva means selfless service or any work we do without the expectation for compensation. I am collecting 100 seva stories to share ideas and spread positive news. For…