Seva Story #72 of 100

Today’s seva story comes from me, Johanna and I live in Makawao, Maui. Seva means selfless service or any work we do without the expectation for compensation.  I am collecting 100 seva stories to share ideas and spread positive news.

For the past 10 months I have been volunteering for Hospice Maui. They offer a comprehensive 35 hour training program once a year, usually in early fall, for those that are are interested in volunteering. I enjoyed the training and have been doing a variety of work with them like, setting up for the new hale celebration, food bank shopping, cooking, weeding the new Hale entrance and massaging a hospice patient.

This work has brought me closer to understanding mortality in general and accepting my own. To be a volunteer and go through the training, it is asked you commit to a minimum of one year of service. While my year is almost complete, I imagine I will continue on a sporadic basis, as my schedule allows. Sometimes I feel it would be easier if I was retired to volunteer but I still make it work and fit it in my schedule since the people at this nonprofit are so appreciative and it is rewarding being involved in my community.

Please share your seva story with me so we can spread the seva 🙂 Aloha and Namaste,  Johanna Waters

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