Aloha Friends,
         Today’s Seva story comes from Sue who lives part time in Colorado and part time on Maui. Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community. I am collecting 100 stories to share so we all get ideas, inspiration and entertainment.
Sue writes:
Tutoring at Kihei Elementary School; Kihei, HI
A Maui acquaintance who had a career in education started a volunteer tutoring program at Kihei Elementary in about 2006.  Originally, it was for tutoring reading weekly in first and second grades and included training and teaching materials.  With enough volunteers of mainly “snowbirds” (including me), she asked me to expand the program to tutor math in the third grade only.  I organized a group of up to 16 volunteers for several years and also tutored students myself.  Usually I met with the same two students for 1/2 hour each on a weekly basis.  It was very rewarding getting to know children of that age, and they were invariably from poor families with scant help with homework.  Nevertheless, I could see progress over several weeks of tutoring from the testing they took in class and was gratified to think I assisted in improving their learning skills and accomplishments. 

Please send me your Seva story so we can spread the Seva. Aloha, Mahalo, Namaste,  Johanna Waters