Aloha Friends,
         Today’s Seva story #24 of 100 is from Cheryl who lives in Vancouver, Canada. Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment. I am collecting and sharing these stories so we can get ideas, inspiration and to spread positive news.
        Cheryl writes ” I love to travel all over the world and learn about new perspectives, cultures and ways of life. On one of my adventures while working on cruise ships, I came across a school that had very little in the way of supplies or books. When I got home I decided to visit many garage sales and ask friends and family for book donations, that eventually filled up a large suitcase.
        Upon my return to the ship, I visited the school again and I brought the suitcase full of books, which became great excitement for the teachers and the children alike. It was heartwarming to see this response.”
         Please share your Seva story with me so we can spread the Seva! Aloha, Mahalo, Namaste,  Johanna Waters