Seva Story #26 of 100

Aloha Friends,
      I have extra stories to share this month since we are in the midst of the holiday seasons. Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment. I am collecting 100 Seva stories to share so we can get ideas, inspiration and entertainment. What better way to celebrate than sharing our giving and receiving seva work. Seva doesn’t bog down the environment with unnecessary waste and seva lasts a lifetime in our minds.
      Today’s Seva story comes from Sharon who lives in Las Vegas. Sharon writes “A friend ask me out of the blue if I would like to guide yoga for her project “Friends of Batahola” a community in Nicaragua. It’s a wonderful cultural center set to educate children to adults in skills of life: sewing, cooking, health care, dance, music, language and non-violence. Their compassion with each other and their contentment with what they have, second poorest country in the America’s next to Haiti, their pride and generous hearts filled my own heart with love and light.”
     Please share your Seva story with me so we can spread the Seva! Aloha, Mahalo, Namaste,  Johanna Waters