Aloha Friends, Today’s Seva story #42 of 100 comes from Andrea who lives in Saskatoon. I am collecting 100 Seva stories to share ideas, inspiration and spread positive news, Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment. Andrea writes;
“My name is Andrea and I’m from Saskatoon. I have been a fitness instructor, yoga teacher, personal trainer and nutrition consultant for many years.
Since becoming a mother of 2 young boys I have discovered a strong desire to volunteer my services to other mothers. I experienced postpartum depression after my first son was born and had a long road to recovery due to a c-section. The result was no core, an umbilical hernia and a recti diastasis. This journey was difficult for both mind and body but I learned a lot about myself during this time despite the lack of support and knowledge. Becoming a new mother taught me a lot about selfless service but I also realized how important it was to look after myself! I also had a whole new appreciation of what a women’s body/mind had to go through in pregnancy, birth and then recovery!! Needless to say I needed some time to recover before embarking on this journey again?
Fast forward two years and 10 months…….
My second birth experience was a beautiful, natural home birth and recovery seemed to be quick and easy UNTIL 6 months postpartum my thyroid crashed! These were some of my darkest days and at the time I thought I was all alone. With no knowledge of what was wrong with me I had to do my own research and after months and 2 rounds of antibiotics, was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This was only after 6 months of weight gain, no energy, extreme anxiety, loss of milk supply, hair loss and the list goes on. I was able to turn things around slowly with help from an acupuncturist, chiropractor, doctor and specialist. I also monitored my nutrition closely and slowly increased my strength and fitness with diligent, progressive training.
I have come to learn that many mothers/women suffer from some degree of thyroidism whether hypo or hyper, postpartum depression, pelvic floor issues, recti diastasis, body image issues etc. It has inspired me to start a support group for pre and post natal mothers to help educate them in fitness/nutrition and offer resources for other health related issues. I so deeply admire what all mothers do and I’m excited to volunteer my services to these incredible goddesses.”
Please share your Seva story with me so we can spread the Seva! Mahalo and Namaste, Johanna Waters