Aloha Friends, 
   Today’s Seva story #45 of 100 comes from Ruth who works as a flight attendant.  I am collecting 100 Seva stories to share ideas, inspiration and spread positive news, Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment.
Ruth created a fashion show at the airport called “Runway on the Runway” at Southwest Airlines. The flight attendants were the models. They had a live and silent auction and sold tables and tickets. Over a two year span they raised over $40,000 for the Baltimore Ronald  McDonald house. 
         Ruth learned  about and loved the Ronald McDonald house. It’s a house for families to stay while their children undergo surgeries. Ruth loved working with her dear friends during the entire project. Ruth says ” I learned that I could do anything I put my mind to from just an idea!!” 
Please share your Seva story with me so we can spread the Seva! Aloha and Namaste,  Johanna Waters