Aloha Friends,
Today’s Seva story #47 of 100 comes from me, Johanna and I live in Kula on Maui. I am collecting 100 Seva stories to share ideas, inspiration and spread positive news, Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment.
About one year ago I joined a non-profit called “Buds to Blossoms” to massage orphans in Vietnam. I started early with fundraising for the program and was able to raise twice the amount of my fundraising goal. Most of the orphans were easy to work with and a few were not. I enjoyed their diversified personalities. They all reminded me of what a great life I have. I enjoyed seeing another country that I may not have been able to visit if I wasn’t volunteering. I would recommend this program to anyone, you don’t need to be a massage therapist to participate. Please share your Seva story with me so we can spread the Seva! Mahalo and Namaste, Johanna Waters –