Aloha Friends,

Today’s seva story comes from Diane who lives in Seattle. Seva means selfless service or any work we do without the expectation for compensation.  I am collecting 100 seva stories to share ideas and spread positive news. Diane writes,

” I have been really inspired to visit the beautiful World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang, Laos for five years in a row. I had the idea before I left this past winter to start an introduction to yoga class at the English Learning Center where I teach English. I wrote to Jade Yoga asking about mats and they donated mats for my cause, which I in turn took to Laos this past winter.
Of course many students both male and female signed up for the Saturday morning class but as it turned out I had only two very dedicated students over the 2 1/2 months I was there. It was definitely a meaningful experience for me and I look forward to serving the Lao students on my next visit.”

Please share your seva story with me so we can spread the seva! Aloha and Namaste,  Johanna