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Maui Seva Story #57

    Today’s seva story comes from Kali. I am collecting 100 seva stories to spread positive news, ideas and inspiration.
 Kali writes, “I practice yoga as taught at Yasodhara Ashram in Kootenay Bay, B.C,. (close to Nelson in the Kootenay mountains).  I enjoy attending your hatha class when I am in Maui.
Yasodhara Ashram is a karma yoga Ashram, which means the yoga of selfless service.  We practice doing what needs doing, not just what we WANT to do, insofar as possible without attachment to results.
Yasodhara is a community built on the teachings of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh and Swami Radha and Swami Radhananda, in their turn.  Swami Sivananda taught that “selfless service will make you divine”.  Sometimes the work needed is cooking in the kitchen, or raking up leaves, or working in the garden.  Sometimes it is teaching a yoga class, or doing office work.  There is a list posted daily of the work needed, and each person enrolled in Karma Yoga is given a place to work, with someone to direct the work.  It is a daily practice of letting go and doing what is asked.  It is a wonderful chance to work with the dedicated people who live at the Ashram (about 15 usually), and learning from their experience and commitment.
Right now a beautiful innovative new temple is being build, that viewers can see at http://www.yasodhara.org/2016/10/flight-of-the-light-a-temple-journey-begins/
Thank you for this opportunity to speak about “giving back”.”
Please share your seva story with me so we can spread the seva. Mahalo, Namaste,  Johanna info@johannawaters.com