three gates of speech
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The Three Gates of Speech

The Three Gates of Speech   Before speaking, we walk ourselves metaphorically through three gates of speech. The first door, we ask ourselves, Is what I'm about to say true? The second door, Is it kind? And the third, Is it necessary? This…
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Meditations for living in the present moment

  The Five Daily Recollections The five daily recollections is a beautiful meditation for living in the present moment . This meditation was first introduced to me when I was studying with a Vipassana teacher. I believe it is a useful universal…
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Let it Be – Meditations for Yoga and Massage

Aloha Friends, I was recently listening to a meditation lecture and really liked how the teacher mentioned to "let it be" as opposed to "let it go". I hear the popular saying "let it go" in yoga, meditations and massage a lot, but it seems…