A reminder that I am collecting 100 Seva stories. Seva means selfless service or service we do without expectation for reimbursement. Sharing seva stories is not bragging or conceit but a state in delighting in the goodness that can flow and the chance or opportunity to manifest this positive action. We can also get inspiration and ideas from hearing about others’ seva work.
For example, in Burma, on a birthday, it is expected to give gifts instead of receive gifts. This is a celebration of an individual’s capacity to share goodness. In gratitude, the receivers rejoice in this celebration, not because the gift of food or whatever the object is, but for the person being in a position to give.
Check out previous seva stories on this blog by clicking the Seva category. I offer a $5 discount towards massage or yoga for seva story shared. Keep your story to concise, one or two paragraphs. Spread the seva! Email or call in your story to me (Johanna) info@johannawaters.com