Today’s Seva Share story comes from Shannon in Makawao. Seva means selfless service for the betterment of community. When we give we receive. I am sharing these Seva stories so we can get ideas from each other and spread positive news. 
Shannon is part owner of “Sip Me” in Makawao, Maui. 
Sip me is dedicated in crafting and serving organic and local coffee, espresso, juice, smoothies, etc.
On the menu board is a “Pay it forward” section, where customers can buy friends or those in need credit to use in the cafe. There is a homeless man who frequents Sip Me and is able to get something to eat off the donations of the Pay it forward list. Shannon mentioned, he is always appreciative and offers to take out the trash or any other job. So by implenting the Pay it Forward on her menu, Shannon is able to see the gifting between friends and people in need getting fed, and now and then someone takes out the trash 🙂 
Please send me your Seva  story to Spread the Seva, Johanna Waters