photo by Jane Gleeson

Aloha Friends,
       Today’s Seva story comes from Jane in Wisconsin. Seva means selfless service for the benefit of all. I am collecting these stories so that we can get ideas, share and spread positive news. Jane writes:

      “I am a 65 year young RN/acupuncturist, and so in my lifetime I have been blessed to be able to volunteer my time and skills for many causes and at many agencies. This includes Planned Parenthood, Salvation Army, Pathfinders for Run Away Teens, 16th Street Community Health Center, Core El Centro (Milwaukee), and the Working Boys Center in Quito Ecuador, where I will travel to in three weeks. 
Although working directly with people in need of healthcare is a reward in itself, the unexpected benefit has been the other volunteers I have met along the way who have become lifelong friends. True friends, who have kept in touch and would help me if I was in need at anytime. Friends that you can reconnect with in a meaningful way even when you have not talked to them in awhile.  The bonds one forms working side by side with people who care about the things you care about, is a true treasure.”

Please send me your Seva story! I am collecting 100 stories so I need you to share so we can spread the Seva! email: or call 808-214-0129. 
                                                                      Mahalo, Namaste, Metta,
                                                                                          Johanna Waters

                 photo by Jane Gleeson