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Coupon for Maui Massage

Referral Coupons! Refer a massage client and get $5 off your next outcall massage or Kula office. Just mention this ad. Aloha,  Johanna 808-214-0129

Seva Story #52 of 100

Aloha Friends, Today's Seva story #52 comes from Naomi who lives in Lake Tahoe. I am collecting 100 Seva stories to share ideas, inspiration and positive news. Naomi teaches yoga at a community center where she meet a young women who had…

Seva Story #51 of 100

Aloha Friends,          Today's Seva story #51 of 100 is from Richard who lives in Kihei. Seva means selfless service for the benefit of community and the environment. Seva is anything we do without expectation…