Benefit Yoga Class for Women Helping Women Maui, Thurs. Sept. 24th, 2015
Benefit Oceanfront Yoga class for Women Helping Women Maui When:Thurs. Sept. 24th, 8:00 am, Where: The Kamaole Nalu Resort, 2450 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei. Please park on the street or the parking lot across from Kamaole Nalu. All proceeds…
Seva Story #7
Seva means selfless service that benefits the community as a whole. This month's Seva story comes from Andrew from Anytime Fitness in Pukalani. Andrew and his family received help in a time of need and because of that he is giving back. When…
Seva Share #6
Aloha Friends, This week's Seva Share comes from Maddy in Maryland. Seva is selfless service that benefits the community and provides the volunteer a payment that is far more valuable than money. I'm sharing these stories so that we can get…